A sister school of Shenzhen International Foundation College 深圳国际预科学院的姊妹学校
SIPC adheres to the motto of integrating Chinese and Western culture and practicing what you preach, and it’s devoted to cultivating modern citizens who strike roots in China and face the world, have sound personalities and are eager to innovate. 秉承“融汇中西,坐言起行”的校训,矢志培养扎根中华、面向世界、人格健全、勇于创新的未来世界的公民
Teaching Team师资团队
High quality teaching team 高质量的师资团队
Academic Principal 学术校长 The United Kingdom 英国
Plymouth University, UK - Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE);Plymouth University, UK - PgDip (Diploma in Education & Training);Plymouth University,UK - BA (Hons) Education and Curriculum Design 普利茅斯大学教育学士,硕士毕业于普利茅斯大学教育;普利茅斯大学学位教师教育证书课程(PGCE)
Assistant Principal 助理校长 China 中国
Master of Developmental Psychology and Education, University of Toronto, and CELTA Qualification Certification, Canadian Mental Health Counseling Certification, Montessori training certification,Family Education Consultant (Senior), Certified Lecturer of "Replicable Communication Power of Fan Deng Reading", “Fandeng New Parent Family” Education Certified Teacher 获得多伦多大学发展心理学与教育硕士学位,拥有CELTA资格认证、加拿大心理健康咨询认证、蒙特梭利培训认证、 家庭教育咨询师(高级)、“樊登读书可复制的沟通力”认证讲师、“樊登新父母 家庭教育认证教师”
Primary General Teacher 小学全科教师 The United Kingdom 英国
Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Central Lancashire 获得中兰开夏大学计算机学士学位
Primary School Teacher /Coordinator 小学教师 /协调员 China 中国
M.A. in Linguistics, Jinan University;Senior High School Chinese Teacher Certificate;Kindergarten Principal License. 获得暨南大学语言学硕士学位,拥有高级中学语文教师资格证,幼儿园园长任职资格
Primary School Teacher 小学教师 Homeroom teacher leader 中方班主任协调员 China 中国
M.A. in Chinese International Education, South China Normal University, and Senior High School English Teacher Certificate, Expatriate Teacher Certificate from Guangdong Overseas Chinese Office,PBL Lecturer, Certifcate from Beijing Normal University 获得华南师范大学汉语国际教育硕士,拥有高级中学英语教师资格证、广东省侨办外派教师资格证、北师大PBL认证讲师
Primary General Teacher 小学全科教师 America 美国
Bachelor in Fundamentals and Methodology of Education, United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies; Minor in Primary School Education 美国语言与文职学院基础教育与教育方法学士,辅修小学教育
Primary General Teacher 小学全科教师 The United States of America 美国
B.A. in Political Science, Minor in History, Howard University, Washington, D.C;MAC-CAE Scholar, American Institute for Indian Studies, Jaipur, India 美国华盛顿特区霍华德大学,政治学学士,辅修历史;美国印度研究所MAC-CAE学者 Selected by the Mid-Atlantic Consortium-Center for Academic Excellence to represent Howard University to increase HBCU participation abroad 因学术卓越入选中大西洋联盟中心,代表霍华德大学参与并提高HBCU的海外知名度
School Life 校园生活
Recreational and Educational Clubs and Societies寓教于乐的社团活动
SIPC Development 学生成长
SIPC believes that education requires distilling effort, and we encourage our students to learn through exploration. SIPC inherits the tradition of rigorous scholarship and inspires innovationSIPC坚信教育是“慢”的艺术,我们鼓励孩子从知识出发去探索,再从犯丰富多彩的外出研学中实现知行合一,提升学业,改善行为,臻于完善
SIPC Life 校园活动
SIPC personalizes teaching and learning to nuture every student’s potential through supporting the development of active and creative minds, inspiring students to discover their passions, talents and academic abilitiesSIPC 个性化教学和学习, 鼓励孩子们发展学习之外的兴趣特长,发现并培养每位学生的潜能inspire students to discover their passions, talents and other characteristic through all-round development在国庆共襄华诞、古灵精怪鬼马万圣节和才艺等丰富校园活动中,全方位帮助学生找到自己的爱好和才能,锻炼自己全方位能力
SIPC Community 家校联结
SIPC emphasizes on community building, We care for the overall development of our faculty and staff, and we understand that great education requires excellent teachers and supportive families. SIPC 深知培养一位孩子,需要家庭和学校的通力合作。我们的师资团队拥有高度专业的水平和教育情怀, 我们的家校互动搭建高质教育平台,为孩子的未来保驾护航
SIPC Campus 校园环境
SIPC is adjacent to Xili University Town and Dasha River, with unique geographical location, beautiful environment and rich cultural atmosphere. The warm and comfortable campus environment, combined with the supporting facilities in the university town, provides the students with the high-quality resourcesSIPC毗邻西丽大学城,紧靠大沙河畔,地理位置得天独厚,环境优美,人文气息浓郁。温馨舒适的校园环境,与大学城完善的配套设施相结合,为学生提供近在咫尺的国际教育资源。
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